Why to Cooperate

Since 2022 Czech Republics which has been a very strong PV market with over 18 GWp of a new project pipeline.  Should you be interested in entering  a PV market or fostering your presence in Czechia, then Smart Energy Forum exhibition and PV confterence is a great opportunity for your company.

Since 2015 Smart Energy Forum has been the biggest event in the Czech Republics focused on renewables (primarily PV and Energy Storage). Visitors ar buyers and installers of solar systems

This years edition of expo Smart Energy Forum will host over 70 exhibitors and sponsors from 10 countries, featuring new products and solutions to help power the energy transition. Apart from exhibition, you can present your company in the form of partnership or sponsoring of leading PV conference with over 7 000 expected attendees in 2024.

The floor plan (10 000 sqm) is almost sold out and there are only a limited number of sponsorship opportunities. If you would like to enquire about sponsoring or exhibiting then please contact the organizer of the event- Mr. Jaroslav Dorda at email: info@solarninovinky.cz

Opportunities for cooperation:

Partnership within the framework of the International Conference on Modern Energy – presentation, rollup, flyer, and also an advertising package on www.solarninovinky.cz

Sponsorship of the Coffee/Lunch Break/AfterParty during the conference, where your logo will be displayed during the break (up to 500 conference attendees) and also on the website in the Partners section

Exhibition – presentation in the form of booths, rollups or panels (up to 7 000 attendees)

Free Workshops for exhibition visitors – possibility of product presentations


Enquire to Exhibit/Sponsor